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Mar 16, 2015

Using rice straw bales

How would rice straw bales work for straw bale gardening? Many of our local farmers burn their rice fields to get rid of the stubble because it takes

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Mar 13, 2015

No dig gardens - how to grow vegetables by gardening without digging or tilling

Gardening is sublime, especially growing your own vegetables in no dig gardens. Gardening without digging or tilling is organic, low maintenance and deeply satisfying.

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Feb 27, 2015

no dig and crop rotation

got an allotment in may and want to be a no dig and fully organic gardener,have been reading obout companion planting, putting potatoes in with cabbage,beans

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Feb 24, 2015

Ridge gourd very small and dying

I have planted ring guard plant in pot on my has started growing and some guard are growing but they are dying very small.not growing big.

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Feb 16, 2015

Organic Vegetable Garden Fertilizers - Best Homemade Natural Soil Amendments and Fertilisers

What to use and how to make organic garden fertilizers and soil amendments. Homemade or bought, these are the best fertilisers for vegetable growing.

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Feb 13, 2015

Rockdust as a soil conditioner

What do you think of Rockdust to condition soil? For several years now, I have been applying Rockdust to my soil, for both vegetable and ornamental plant

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Nov 19, 2014

lasagna gardening and fall bulb planting

I just made my lasagna patch. Wet newspaper then wood chips from tree stump then grass clippings that have set most of summer...then repeated this brown

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Nov 07, 2014

sweet meat squash not sweet

Why doesn't my sweetmeat squash taste sweet? It grew beautifully and prolifically but it isn't sweet.

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Nov 07, 2014

eggplant stock remaining in the ground over winter

Is it possible to leave eggplant plants in the ground over winter if I cut them back to one foot above ground and expect then to produce next summer?

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Oct 04, 2014

What is this plant disease

i have started terrace organic gardening. my newly planted veg plant has some diseases. please let me know the remedy.

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Oct 04, 2014

Squash infertility

We planted pumpkin, hubbard, spagetti, zukinni and acorn squash this Spring and there was no viable harvest. The plants continued flowering until September,

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Oct 04, 2014

peas with weak stems

why do my garden peas have weak thin stems?

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