What to do with that spare tire...
by Garrett S.
(Midland, TX, USA)

My Spare Tire Garden
I moved into my home a little over a year ago. The previous owners were so generous that they decided to leave a bunch of their old junk for us. (Gee thanks.)Well, there were 8 tires left behind. I was able to give 2 of them away. But for some reason I couldn't get rid of the rest.
While reading through the no-dig site I had an epiphany. What if I made small raised gardens using the tires? I live in West Texas which is quite arid and very windy. Every time I've tried to grow anything it usually dies from lack of water or being beat to death by the wind.
But by cutting out the side wall on one of the tires I could make a base to fill with my cardboard, paper, moss, and soil. Then I cut both sidewalls out of a second tire and placed it on top of the base. It acts as a shield against the wind yet still allows sunlight and water in. I used a drill to make a starter hole then used a jig saw to cut out the sidewalls.
The whole thing took less than 30 minutes and made use of tires that may have ended up in a landfill otherwise.
I have plans to make more of these "planters" and paint them all. I actually had a thought to wrap the exterior in "chicken wire" and create a stucco effect with some quikcrete. I'll keep you posted on how that one works.
Take a look at the pic.