Keeping animals out of garden
How do you build a strong enough fence to keep those pesty animals away.
Megan says...
I'm not sure where you are writing from, so it depends what sort of animals are pestering you!
In many countries there are burrowing and digging critters, such as gophers, moles and squirrels. Building a raised garden of about 65cm (2ft) high with ½ inch aviary wire on the bottom, or digging down and putting a mesh layer underground (hard work), is a solution.
For the likes of raccoons and possums, a good strong fence might be the only way to keep them out. A special floppy fence has been successful for keeping possums out of gardens. Read how it's done on this
Pests page under opossums.
You'll also find other tips about cats, dogs, deer, moles and keeping animals out of gardens on that page. ~ Megan