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infested with cockchafers

by valerie
(Hastings England)

I believe that my lawn is infested with cockchafers (also called scarab beetles or May bugs) which will inevitably mean that the lawn will have to be dug up or whats left of it.

The thing is I paid alot of money to have tanalised beams installed to create a terraced effect and they seem to be suffering as well. It looks like some sort of liquid is oozing from the joints on the steps. Could this be Cockchafers as well.
I have tried everything I can think of but nothing works. My new garden is only 3 years old and I had many compliments but now it seems to be dying before my very eyes. Any suggestions?

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Aug 28, 2011
Control for cockchafers
by: ~ Megan

There are many species of scarab beetles, some of which are called cockchafers or May bugs. These usually inhabit forests or crop lands in UK and Europe. The most likely scarab species found in mid to northern areas of USA is the European chafer also called June bug. These dark green or brown chafers love lawns and usually come up from the ground to fly late evening and night.

June bugs/chafers start their life cycle from eggs laid in mid-summer, which hatch in two weeks into grubs which burrow down into the turf and eat the grass roots especially late winter before pupating and emerging as beetles in late spring.

The beetles like to eat tree leaves and fruit. Early morning is a good time to find them on leaves when you can pick or shake them off and squash or drown in soapy water. You can also hang a container of water and honey or molasses from a branch (the bottom half of a plastic milk container tied with its handle is good), and the beetles will zoom in and drown, especially if you can rig up a light or torch above it during the night.

Birds are great at digging out the grubs, so although they do make a mess of the lawn, if you can attract birds to your garden by having a birdbath, feeding or nesting boxes, they will eventually control the chafer grubs enough so that your lawn comes back to looking good.

Another possible organic solution is to buy some Milky Spore Disease. This is a bacterium which you water into your lawn. There will be detailed instructions on the packet.

If your lawn has just patches of damage, you could dig down and remove the grubs, then re-sow those areas.

Re your tantalized board terrace. There is no connection between cockchafers and this timber. You say that the beams are suffering, but don't say how. If it's because they are oozing, it's likely caused by some sort of glue that’s been applied to the joints, maybe because of temperature fluctuations or hot weather. This oozing might look awful, but will not harm the wood. This treated wood is rot proof for a very long time - it takes a lot to damage it.

Take heart; gardens are an ever changing scene; just when you think everything is sweet as pie, Mother Nature sends you some work to do!

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