by Robert Bradford
Our chicken coop, garden, compost beds are all in the fenced (deer proof) orchard. They are alternated garden, compost, garden so the compost has up to 6 months to cook and be worked by the chickens before planting. The beds are 4' wide and multiples of 16' long bordered by cattle panels. The width is so that no insects can get more than 2' from the chickens who eat almost anything smaller and slower than a chicken. We add kitchen scraps, garden scraps, grass clippings and/or leaves gathered with a bagging mower to the compost daily. Twice a year we swing each 4' gate at both ends of every other bed the other way to close the compost bed, plant garden there and open the just harvested garden bed which becomes the new compost beds. At this time we clean the coop to bare earth and the old litter added to new compost beds. Twelve inches of shredded paper, new grass clippings and chopped leaves is then added to the coop to restart the deep litter system. God continually mulches, composts in His garden, and gardens in His compost. We do too. This system has given us bumper organic crops at zero cost except for the permanent fencing and fuel for the mower. It has the added advantage of rotating crops, giving compostables at least 6 months and up to one year to work before harvest, weeded, rid of insects, weed seeds, cast fruit and the compost is manured and turned daily all by the chickens. It also helps feed and entertain the chickens.
Comments for Filling Raised Beds
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